Rabu, 01 Desember 2010


Past Tense apa yaa itu ?
Ya elah, koq aku lupa yaa, itukan termasuk Tenses. Dan aku baru ingat past tense itu ada hubungannya sama kenangan-kenangan atau memoriku dulu, kaya waktu SMP gitu deh,hihihi...
nah, yuk...yuk kita tengok peelasan yang lebih lengkap lagi disini..

Definition Of Past Tense

1. Simple Past Tense is a kind of tense which is used to describe an event or action that happened already in a certain time in the past
The pattern :
(+) Subject + verb II + complement
(-) Subject + did not + verb II + complement
(?) Did + subject + verb I
The examples :
(+) I went to Tangkiling yesterday
(-) I did not go anywhere last night
(?) Did you go last week?
Adverbs used :yesterday, last night, last week, two days ago, e few minutes ago, last weekend, last month,last year, in 1984, etc.

2. Past Continuous Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an event or an action which was happening in a certain time in the past
The pattern :
(+) Subject + was/were +verb-ing+ complement
(-) Subject + was not/were not+verb-ing+ complement
(?) was/were+ subject + verb-ing+complement
The examples :
(+) He was writing a letter at eight o’clock last night
(-) He was not writing a letter at seven o’clock last night
(?) Were you writing a letter at eight last night?

adverbs used :
at the time like this yesterday, at seven o’clock last night, etc.

3. Past Perfect Tenseis a kind of tense that is used to describe an action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed or finished till in a certain time in the past too; or past perfect tense is used to express an action or an event that had happened before the other event or action happened

The pattern :
(+) Subject + had+verb III+cmplement
(-) Subject + had not+ver III+complement
(?) Had + subject +verb III+complement
examples :
(+) We had eaten before they came
(-) They had not eaten before we came
(?) Had they eaten before we got back?
Adverbs used :
from 1998 to 1999, once, twice, etc.


Sadar dan ingat gak temen-temen smua with Simple Present Tense ?
Dari SD, SMP, SMA pun simple present tense selalu muncul di setiap pelajaran bahasa inggris.Kenapa yaa???
kayanya kita udah tau kalau simple present tense kan, cara kita berbicara ,menulis dan mendengar bahasa inggris dengan baik dan benar.
Betuk tidakkk..???
Now, look here for understand about simple present tense.

The simple present or present simple is one of the two present tenses used in modern English, the other being Present continuous.
There two kinds of simple present tense :

(simple present tense without verb)
Formula :
(+) S + Tobe + Adj/Noun/Adv
(-) S + Tobe + not + Adj/Noun/Adv
(?) Tobe + S + Adj/Noun/Adv ?

Example :

(+) They are tired
(-) They are not tired
(?) Are they tired ?

(+) I am sick
(-) I am not sick
(?) Am I sick ?

(+) She is a teacher
(-) She is not a teacher
(?) Is she a teacher ?

(simple present tense with verb)
Formula :
(+) S + V1 (s/es) + O/C
(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O/C
(?) Do/does + S + V1 + O/C ?

There are three important note:
1. For the 3 rd person singular (she, he, it) we add “s” or “es” to the main verb (only for positive tense).
With most verb, the 3 rd person singular form is created simply by adding – S. However, with some verb, you need to add –ES change the ending a little.
Here are the rules :
Verb ending in ... How to make the 3 rd person singular Example
s Add -ES He passes
z Add -ES She apologizes
sh Add -ES She wishes
ch Add -ES He watches
Consonant + y Change Y to I, then add -ES It flies
2. For positive sentences, we do not normally use the auxiliary.
3. For the verb tobe, we do not use an auxiliary, even for question and negative sentences.

Example :

(+) Reza studies internet
(-) Reza does not studies internet
(?) Does Reza studies internet?

(+) Mira, Caca, Try and Wawan walk together
(-) They do not walk together
(?) Do they walk together?

(+) Saras and I play badminton every week
(-) We do not play badminton every week
(?) Do we play badminton every week ?

The some frequency that use in simple present tense :
- Always
- Usually
- Often
- Never
- Sometimes
- Seldom

Examples :
- I always remember you
- They are usually here
- We often eat in restaurant
- I never cry
- She sometimes forgets
- He seldom studies

Uses of present simple:
We uses the present simple for describes general truths, facts and scientific laws.
Example : the earth moves round the sun.

- We use the present simple for direction.
Example : the earth moves round the sun.

- We us the present simple for direction.
Example : you come out of the station.
Then you turn tight.

- We use the present simple for habits and routines.
Example : I watch TV every nigth.

- We use the present simple for things that are true and that normally happe
Example : Children like playing.

- We use the present simple for things which you like or dislike.
Example : He dislike novel

- We use present simple for permanent situation
Example : He lives in Tokyo.

- We use the present simple for procedures,
Example : He interview boys.

- We use the present simple for perceptions.
Example : The food smells good.

Nah,udah ngertikan tentang simple present tense dan cara mempraktekannya di kehidupan sehari-hari .
Dan ini akhir materi yang bersangkut paut dengan SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE.

Selasa, 23 November 2010


Recount text is a kind of text to tells the reader a past event or experience in a chronological order. That’s why, it uses simple past tense.

Recount text usually focuses on a person’s past experience, so it usually uses the word “I or we”.

The generic structure of recount text :

Ø Orientation :

Tells the readers who was involved in the story, what happened, where the story took place, and when it happened.

Ø Events :

Tell the sequence of events.

Ø Re-orientation :

Summarises the event.

Minggu, 21 November 2010



SYMPATHY EXPERESSION is someone expressing which fell the pity to one who experience of accident.
He or she is only saying sympathy word, but not really follow to feel what felt by one who hit that accident.

The purpose is the peoples will know if we care with them.

The expression of sympathy expression can be devided into two part : informal and formal.
Expressing Sympathy :
¤ That's awfull.
¤ Oh, what a shame !
¤ I'm sorry to hear that.
¤ I'm sorry to know that.
¤ You must be very upset.
¤ Oh dear !
¤ That's a shame, poor you.
¤ That's a pity, i express my deeps.
¤ That's a terrible.
¤ That's to bad.

Accepting Sympathy :
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you very much.

Some condition of giving sympathy :
- Accident.
- Sick.
- Sad.


Giving Instruction is an expression for give or ask somebody to do something that we want.

Giving instruction statment can use :
1. When people ask unkwon address.
2. When demonstrate a recipe of food or drink.
3. When ask somebody to do something that we want.

1. Please or don't + verb + noun
[Noun + Verb + Please]
Example :
- Please open the door.
- Open the door, please.
- Don't open the door.
2. Please or don't + verb + adverb of place
[Verb + adverb of place + Please]
Example :
- Please come here.
- Come here, please.
- Don't come here.

3. Please or don't + Verb + noun + adverb of place
Example :
- Please open the door in this class.
- Don't open the door in this class.

4. Be + Adj + Please: “Be quiet, please”
Please + Be + Adj: “Please, be quite”
Don't + Be + Adj: “Don't be quite”

5. Be + Adj: Be strong.

Respon on giving instruction :
- Yes.
- O.K.
- No i can't.
- No problem.


ayam goreng...
Remember those words, must remember Upin and Ipin ... hahaha ...
But, aku juga suka koq makan ayom goreng, hihihi...
but how to make fried chiken...?
Nah,ayo kita tengok disini cara bikinnya sesuai prosedurnya !!!

Procedure Text

Procedure text is a text that designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps.
It explains how people perform different process in a sequences of steps.
This text uses the simple present tense, often in imperative sentences.
It also usually uses the temporal conjuctions, such as frist, second, then, next, finally, etc.

The generic structure of procedure text :
¤ Goal: The final purpose of doing the instructions.
¤ Materials: Ingredients, utensils, equipment to do the instructions.
¤ Steps: A set of instruction to achieve the final purpose.
Language Features :
¤ Use Imperative.
¤ Use Action Verb.
¤ Use Connectivitas.
¤ Use adverbial phrases.

Example make a fried chiken

Ingredients :
* Chicken legs, and breasts or 1 frying chicken, which is cut up into smaller frying pieces
* 1 1/2 cups (180 g) of flour
* 1 packet of dry Good Seasons Italian Dressing (powder)
* 1 pack of tomato soup mix
* 2 or 3 eggs
* 2/3 cup (160 mL) of milk
* 1 tablespoon black pepper
* Vegetable oil to cover the bottom of a skillet (1/2 inch deep)

Steps :
Beat the 2 or 3 eggs in a bowl. Pour the milk in the bowl and set it aside.

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Get another bowl and mix the soup mix, Italian dressing, black pepper, and flour together.

Take a piece of chicken and dip it into the egg/milk batter. Then place it in the flour mixture and cover the chicken with it.

Repeat the dipping and covering steps for each chicken piece.

Put the chicken pieces into the skillet and fry them over medium heat. Leave the pieces in there for about 25 to 30 minutes, turning and flipping occasionally.

Remove the pieces from the skillet and drain the grease onto paper towels or a rack.


just imagine you're in hollywood, and you are invited Justin Bieber for dinner with him. What do you feel? But do you understand how JB invite, or how you accept, modify, and cancel the invitation?
Invitation is to offer something make a suggestion or invite someone to do something.
We can use the following pattern.

Extending :
· How would you like … ?
· Would you like to come to … ?
· Do you want to …?
· We would you like to invite you to … ?
· We would you like you join us for … ?
· How about … ?
· I want to join to … ?
· Do you mind to come to … ?
· Shall we go to … ?
· Less we go to … ?
· Please come to … ?
· I’ll be happy if you come to … ?

Accepting :
· Thank you, I’ll come.
· OK !
· I’d love to …
· I’d like to …
· That’s sound great.
· That’s sound good.
· That would be terrific.

Declining :
· I’d love to, but I can’t.
· I’d love to, but I want be able to. How about some other time.

Invite Someone :
· I would you like to … ?
· I would you like you to … ?
· Shall we … ?

Giving Something To Someone :
· I’d like to give you.
· Here’s (are) the … / your, …
· Allow me to present you with … 


Know about advertising ? Let's see what it was advertising!

Advertisement is information for persuad and motivate a people so that it will anracted. Them to the service and things that are affered.

Function advertisement are :
- Promotion
- Communication
- Information

In making advertisement, keep the following points :
1. Language of advertisement
Using the correct or suitable world
Using the interesting expression and suggestive
Using positive cannotations
Text of advertisement snold directly to the go
2. Advertisement content
Objective and hanest
Brief and clear
Don't to allude group and to other producer
Attractive attention


What you think about gaining attention ?

GAINING ATTENTION is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to. Examples:
 Attention, please!
 May/can I have your attention, please?
 Excuse me!
 Look here!
 Listen to me, please!  Waiter?
 I’m sorry but,. .
 Wow, really?
 I’m listening


never make an appointment ? certainly have, but whether it can distinguish which ones to accept, cancel, and change the appointment?
NAHH !!!if you do not understand, let's see how to make an appointment. . . :D

Appointment tells about agreement for meeting it is good to make an appointment before you meet someone or people.
~ Making an Appointment

• I’d like to make an appointment with Kristian.
• I want to make an appointment to see …
• I’d like you to come and see
• Can I come and see you?
• I’ll be there
• What about … (thank you)

~ Canceling An Appointment

• I’m sorry, I’m very busy
• I’m terrible sorry I have to put off my appointment
• I’m afraid/have to postpone my Appointment with … (Dr.Stepen) tomorrow morning.

~ Accepting an Appointment

• All right, see you there
• No, problem, I’m free on …(Thursday)
• Be there on time
• I’ll wait for you
• It’s a deal

~ Changing an Appointment
• What about … (Thursday at 04.00 p.m)
• Is that ok, if we meet at …
• Well, I must be off now. I’ll talk to you later !
• Could we change the schedule of the meeting?
• Do you have another time this afternoon


Narrative text is someone tells to entertain,stimulate emotion or to teach.

The generic structures of narrative text are:
-Orientation : Introducing the characters of the story,the time and the place
The story happened(who/what,when and where)
-Complication : A series of events in which the main character attempt to solve
The problem.
-Resolution : The ending of the story containing the problem solution.

The function of narrative text are :
-To amuse or to entertain
-To deal with actual vicarious experience in different ways.

Kinds of narrative text are :
-fairy tale

Language features of narrative text are :
-Focus on specific and individualized participants
-Use of material process(action verb)
-Use some of behaviourial and verbal processes
-Use of relational process and mental process
-Use past tense
-Use of temporal conjunction and temporal circumstances.
Example of narrative text


Cinderella is one of the most recognized stories around the world. The themes from the story appear in the folklore of many cultures. Sources disagree about how many versions of the tale exist, with numbers ranging from 340 to over 1,500 if all of the picture book and musical interpretations are included. The tale has its own Aarne Thompson classification which is 510A. The tale always centers around a kind, but persecuted heroine who suffers at the hands of her step-family after the death of her mother. Her father is either absent or neglectful, depending on the version. The heroine has a magical guardian who helps her triumph over her persecuters and receive her fondest wish by the end of the tale. The guardian is sometimes a representative of the heroine's dead mother. Most of the tales include an epiphany sparked by an article of clothing (usually a shoe) that causes the heroine to be recognized for her true worth.

The earliest recorded version of the tale comes from China. It was written down by Tuan Ch'eng-shih in the middle of the ninth century A.D. (850-60 Common Era). The tone of the story implies that its readers and listeners were already well-acquainted with the story by the time it was written down. The heroine of the Chinese tale is Yeh-shen. There is no fairy godmother in this earliest known version. A magical fish is Yeh-shen's helper instead. However, a golden shoe is used to identify Yeh-shen to the prince who wants to marry her.

Although a reference to the story exists in 16th century German literature, the next written version of the story comes from Charles Perrault in his Contes de ma Mere L'Oye in 1697. From this version, we received the fairy godmother, the pumpkin carriage, the animal servants, and the glass slippers. Perrault recorded the story that was told to him by storytellers while adding these touches for literary effect. Some scholars think Perrault confused "vair" (French for "ermine or fur") with "verre" (French for "glass") to account for Cinderella's admittedly uncomfortable footwear. This theory has been widely discredited now. Most scholars believe Perrault intended glass slippers as Cinderella's footwear. Perrault's version has a more humane ending than many versions of the tale with Cinderella finding husbands for her sisters. The sisters are left poor, blind, maimed, or even dead in many versions of the tale.

The Grimm Brothers' German version, known as Aschenputtel, or Ash Girl, does not have a fairy godmother. The heroine plants a tree on her mother's grave from which all of the magical help appears in the form of a white dove and gifts. At the end, the stepsisters' eyes are pecked by birds from the tree to punish them for their cruelty. Perrault's version is considerably more forgiving than this version.

In modern times, the tale of Cinderella has inspired countless picture books, musicals, novels, and dreams of little girls. I have included some of the versions on the Tales Similar to Cinderella Page. Versions of the tale have been collected and printed from Vietnam, Italy, Egypt, Australia, and the Algonquin Indians, to name a few. I also recommend these three external sites for additional information about the tale:
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